Secure Hotspot for WiFi and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Provide easy, quick and secure internet access to guests, customers and employees

Public Venues & Government

WIFI access is becoming common at places like airports, sports stadiums and arenas, public libraries, parks and more. They use it to engage with the public while offering a valuable Internet service. Endian Hotspot can help to maximize user engagement while managing the traffic on the network to ensure fair utilization for all.

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Naval & Maritime Industry

The challenge for the naval and maritime industry is properly balancing highly limited satellite Internet resources with providing business and leisure-based access. Endian Hotspot can be finely tuned to help solve this issue regardless of the requirements as proven by our success with leading cargo shipping companies.

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In the hospitality industry, wireless Internet is rapidly becoming a required amenity by consumers so they can stay connected to their work, friends and family. The Endian Hotspot can help to provide a value-added service for your wireless network making guest access quick and convenient while offering the possibility to convey your own marketing or branding and capturing valuable guest information.

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Upgrade your retail environment with in-store WIFI which you can use to capture valuable information about your visitors and even offer coupons or rewards to drive increased store activity and sales for those that join your WIFI. Utilize our Satellite Hotspot technology to centrally manage your Endian Hotspot across all your locations.

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The educational system has heavily invested in wireless Internet access to provide fast, convenient access to faculty, students, and staff all over campus. The issue most of them face is to control network security and bandwidth while ensuring appropriate access. The Endian Hotspot can help to simplify and minimize the efforts of this task.

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Need a Hotspot Solution?

Not sure where to get started when it comes to Endian Hotspot? Download the complete brochure to see all the Hotspot products and features.


WIFI & BYOD Management Highlights.



Bandwidth Management

Endian Hotspot allows you to manage your available bandwidth in many ways: you can set the browsing speed of users or the amount of data that can be downloaded. You can also use cache settings to ease the availability of popular websites - or websites that are relevant for your business.


Cyclic Tickets

With Cyclic Tickets you can navigate according to recurrency criteria. Hotspot manager can assign tickets on hourly or data traffic basis, with any frequency: daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly.


Premium Content

Automatically serve to your customers any web content that you want to highlight : webpages with activities organized by your business, services, promo and deals, weather forecast, news... make your content relevant and showcase your customer care!



Roll out the welcome mat for your Hotspot users with SmartLogin which automatically recognizes users who have already logged in successfully and streamlines their subsequent Hotspot access so they don’t have to re-authenticate.


Social Login

Integrate the power of social media with the Endian Hotspot to allow your users to quickly and easily get connected using their Facebook or Google login


Centralized Network Management

Centrally manage all your Endian appliances. Reduce administrator management time and effort and save valuable staff resources with centralized management made easy with Endian Management Center (EMC).