Endian Switchboard 6.2.0 Release

The Endian Switchboard 6.2.0 release adds an important feature to the platform: the all new Messaging Center.

Endian is happy to announce that, with the release of our Switchboard 6.2.0, the Messaging Center will be introduced into the platform,  to make communication easier and smoother. 


Here are the new and the  improved features that you’ll find in Endian Switchboard 6.2.0:

  • Messaging Center: using the all new Messaging Center, you can now easily communicate different types of messages to your Switchboard users using a variety of options.You can choose between banners, notifications and agreements and you can assign a different color to your messages, depending on their criticality level.
  • Firewall Improvements: various improvements have been made to the entire architecture with the aim of simplifying the creation, modification and management of Firewall rules.
  • GeoIP Filter: one of the most important additions is the GeoIP filter, which enables users to easily allow or block traffic from various countries.
  • System improvements: in order to make the Switchboard more efficient, performant and stable, deep improvements have been made to the code.

To get more information, read the Endian Switchboard 6.2.0 Release Notes.